Brag Book for the Childhood Years


Here at Parentfile, we’ve developed something we call the Brag Book. It’s a particularly great gift to start developing (if you have young kids) or give to your kids for their next birthday or holiday (if you have adult children). The Brag Book is essentially a collection of their highlights from the childhood years. Their best photos, milestones, and “best-of” things that reflect the magic of the childhood years.


Because if we have young children, we are inundated with photos and other stuff that gets saved or lost over the years. And if we have adult children, it’s hard to throw away that stuff and easy for so many pieces of it to get lost. This is the perfect way to capture the “best of” from the childhood years for each child into what we affectionately call a Brag Book.


If you have young children:

In your Parentfile, in My Children, Best Childhood Memories, start saving only your “best of” photos, written memories, achievements and more. Whether you update this section on January 1st of every year with your “best of” from the year prior, or figure out your own way to consistently add to this (we recommend adding “Save Brag Book Items to My Parentfile” as a recurring event on a specific date each in your calendar), it will be such a fun way to have an ongoing project you are going to give to them at some point (we recommend the day they turn 18 or when you drop them off at college!).

If you have grown children:

This can be an especially great gift for them on an upcoming birthday or holiday (since we hear repeatedly we are impossible to give gifts to!). We recommend buying an album at your local store and printing up these items to put in. You can organize the album in a number of ways - Early Childhood, School Years, Teenage Years, College, Adulthood - or even do it by Best Photos, Written Memories, Achievements, Funny Things You Said, All the Rest - or any other method you want to come up with. The fun part is really going back through all your old photos, report cards, art projects, and everything else in their room (or in the basement!) and taking pictures of them and then printing them out to put in the album. And make sure after you’ve created the Brag Book, take a picture of each individual page and save them in Best Childhood Memories in your Parentfile!

Functionality Coming in the Future:

In the future you’ll be able to also create this digitally in your Parentfile and then send them an email to view it digitally and save it forever in their own Parentfile!

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